Summer Social – 7th August, 6pm
Join us for our summer social, delicious BBQ food, family friendly fun outdoors activities (including a Floppy Discus competition, tug-of-war), and of course our Pub Quiz.
Food is provided as part of your £5 ticket (kindly subsidised by Neontribe, Binit and 8 Technology). We’ll have a selection of soft drinks available, and we’re currently working on getting an alcoholic drinks vendor, but feel free to BYOB.
BBQ food options (selectable when you buy your ticket) will be served with Rice, Feijão (Brazilian Black Bean Stew), Pão de Queijo(Cheese Bread), Farofa (Toasted Casava Flour), Salada (finely chopped fresh Tomato & Onion Salsa) BBQ Sauce, Chimichurri, Ranch Sauce. For allergy information please see the food vendor on site, or email in advance.
We will be situationed on the grass behind the XFI centre, but please make your way through the XFI reception so you can pick up your meal ticket!!
Floppy Discus Tug of War Pub Quiz Raffle and Cake Choose your floppy disk Barnaby’s Brewhouse Greymatter Ducks! BBQ food