Author: admin

Meet the speaker – Sophie Glaser

Sophie is helping us out with investigating grant funding opportunities, so we took a few minutes to get to know her a bit better! Name: Sophie Glaser Job role: Consultant, Granted Consultancy LtdLinkedIn: Sophie Glaser What motivates you to do what you do? Curiosity, consulting means knowing the processes and priorities of funders, while catering to the clients needs too. Each

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AWS Summit – We Power Tech

Whilst at this year’s AWS Summit London, I had a chance to chat with the lovely people on the We Power Tech stand. At AWS, we believe the future of tech is every color, gender, belief, origin, and community. The future of tech is accessible, flexible, and inclusive. We all have a long way to go before realizing this future.

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Microsoft ISV Partner Day

Our sponsors GreyMatter are putting on an ISV partner day with Microsoft in Reading on 16th April. And it’s Free to attend! It’s going to be a really high value day with 18 sessions split across 3 tracks for developer, platform and business. There’ll be have speakers from across Microsoft, GreyMatter’s own technical team and from partners like Stephens Scown

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