Author: admin

Games For Better #GameJam

Our friends down in Plymouth at SoGoodStudios are running a 48h game jam, raising awareness about Antibiotic Resistance on the evening of Friday 30th September through to Sunday 2nd October. The theme of the Jam is ‘Antibiotic Resistance’ – we want to see games that teach about and raise awareness of this issue in fun and engaging ways. The jam

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Meetup: 25th August 2016

Join us for an evening of lightning talks and chat at this Almighty August edition of the Tech Exeter meetup! * Steve Lee (Open Directive) @SteveALee on Microsoft Azure Apps * Angela Relle (Met Office) @angerelle on Diversity in the Tech Industry August 2016 Meetup Thursday, Aug 25, 2016, 7:00 PM City Gate Hotel1 Iron Bridge Exeter, GB 48 Members

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