Meetup, 30th May

Join us (for FREE!) at Positive Light Projects on Sidwell Street for a mix of interesting lightning talks and networking, plus FREE PIZZA πŸ•πŸ•πŸ• courtesy of CA TechTalent and OktaUK! (plus you can bring your own booze if you fancy πŸ₯‚)

Megha Jain
Megha delves into the world of Product Thinking. From her journey from software development to product management over the last 12 years, to debunking product management myths, get ready for an insightful journey ahead

Peter Fernandez
When we think about user security, many of us who develop apps reach for implementing a Login Box. But in the modern world of software development, there’s more to giving users a safe and secure experience than simply verifying their credentials. I’m here to tell you why employing a Customer Identity solution should be your preferred option of choice and why it provides you with so much more than just user authentication.

Kim Diep
Career Journey Through Tech: Navigating the Career Switch & Beyond:
In this talk, Kim will be sharing her career journey into and through tech from a previous career as a Sustainability and Business Applications Consultant. Five years on from her career switch, Kim shares some highs and lows, insights and top tips on navigating career development in tech.


  • 7.00pm: Doors open
  • 7.30pm: Introduction and talks start
  • Speakers: Megha Jain, Peter Fernandez, and Kim Diep
  • 9.00pm: Doors close.

There is no bar at the venue so it’s BYOB. Light refreshments, pizza and snacks provided by CA TechTalent and Okta UK.
** If you’d like to talk at this or a future event, please get in touch with us!


Megha Jain
Head of Product running an IT Product consultancy driving multi-million-pound digital transformation across corporate, government and non-profit sectors. With a knack of putting customers first, Megha collaborates with C-suite stakeholders and diverse teams to bring product visions to life.

Peter Fernandez
As an Architect, Consultant and Engineer, Peter has more than 30 years of experience designing and developing secure and robust software solutions. When not helping teams with the complexities of Customer Identity, you can usually find him working behind the scenes, acting in or directing a show at his local theatre.

Kim Diep
Kim is a Software Engineer at Butternut Box, Career Change & Personal Development Coach & Speaker.
As a career switcher into technology, Kim loves to share the joy of learning to code with others, as well as curious moments in the world of Career Changing & Personal Development. Kim also co-runs Curiously Code which is a technical skills community for social mobility in tech for curious people who want to code, learn, grow and empower.