NASA Space Apps 2024 Exeter
Sign up for the world’s biggest hackathon – TechExeter & The Met Office are hosting the Exeter location for the NASA Space Apps challenge on Saturday October 5th – Sunday October 6th 2024
Check out last year’s event video:
To sign up for the event, please fill in the form at
You can also check out the official NASA site at
We can provide childcare for participants over the weekend – this can be for the entire event duration or drop-in as you need it. Contact us for details!
We had lots of fantastic feedback from parents and children who benefited from the childcare, including:
- Parent: “Great activities, the kids really enjoyed it, comms from company beforehand very professional and reassuring”
- Child: - ”I loved the space hoppers and the space disco. Can we come next year?”
- Parent: “My daughter loved it – it was great to be able to check her in and out and have that flexible provision, also made it easier to get her in by promising I could check in in half an hour”
- Child E (3 years old): ” I want to go back to the Met Office. Please don’t pick me up after lunch today, I want to stay all day.”
- Parent: “Well organised, good security. My son enjoyed the range of activities both indoors and outdoors.”