2020 Conference Diversity Stats
So it’s been a month since our 2020 Virtual Conference and we thought we’d share some of the diversity stats we collated from our attendees this year. Diversity is something we strive for in all of our events and we’re proud to say we were even more diverse than last year’s conference!

We didn’t see many differences between this year and last year in terms of age other than a few more in the 55+ categories and a few less 16-24 year olds.

You’ll see that this year we labelled the options for gender differently, showing our constant strives for improvements at TechExeter. While half of our attendees chose not to disclose their gender, the statistics we did received showed a more equal distribution between male and female

We don’t have any data to compare from last year but this year’s data shows 65% white and 35% non-white or did not disclose. We are looking forward to improving this even further in the coming years.

We’re sad that Exeter Pride didn’t take place this year, but there are virtual events taking place with our good friends at PRISM Exeter: https://prismexeter.com/.

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